Submit to New Editions

Submit to New Editions
Submissions open June 29–August 17, 2023

Consider submitting your best and latest creations to New Editions 2023, a two-day showcase of new* artist’s books, photo books, chapbooks, zines, broadsides, and hand-printed work by artists from around the country. (International artists are welcome, too!) Kicking off with a ticketed preview party on Friday, October 27,  the sale continues on Saturday, October 28, offering something for everyone, from art lovers to longtime collectors, with items listed at a variety of price points.

Your work, if selected, will be seen and/or handled by an in-person audience of about 300 people. A limited number of New Editions artists will also be featured in our Fore Edge e-newsletter, which is seen by 450+ Special Collections curators and librarians working in acquisitions.

In 2019, the last time we hosted New Editions, the event generated almost $5,000 in sales for working artists. We love connecting art with art lovers, and we hope you’ll consider submitting to this biennial event!

*created between January 2021 and August 2023

The deadline to apply is Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 11:59pm CT.

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