Sculptural Book Lab

with India Johnson
Thursdays: May 9, 16, 23; 6–9pm CT

Explore the book as sculpture in this in-person workshop. Consider the book’s objectness in terms of volume, weight, and space/location. Get inspired by images of sculptural books and book installations by a variety of artists in each session. Then, learn how to make a sculptural book or a book structure that lends itself well to installation. For example, it may be constructed of many folded units that can be arranged sequentially on a wall. Experiment with ideas based on what you learned in addition to guided prompts that push you to think about books in three dimensions.

At the end of the workshop, participants will be guided through the process of installation, presentation (this includes photographing work and drafting “wall text” to label your work for potential exhibitions), and lighting a sculptural bookwork in MCBA’s bindery and reference library before taking home finished work. Friendly group feedback may be shared, if time allows.

Materials fee includes a packet of optional prompts and readings intended as a resource for self-guided study.

All skill levels welcome
Certificate: 9 hours, Category B or C

$221/participant (10% discount for MCBA members) + $40 materials fee
$111 for BIPOC/Financial scholarship participants (10% discount for MCBA members) + $40 materials fee
MCBA offers two scholarship types for workshops—Financial Hardship Scholarships and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Scholarships—to honor equity and increase access and artistic opportunities for those who have historically been underrepresented in the book arts. For individuals to whom these scholarships do not apply, register at the Adult rate and, if you are able, consider making a donation when registering to support MCBA’s efforts to make scholarships available.

Registration for this workshop has closed. Add your name to the wait list and you’ll be contacted if another section of the workshop is scheduled.