MCBA / Jerome Book Arts Fellowships Series VII

MCBA / Jerome Book Arts Fellowships Series VII
November 13, 2004 – January 15, 2005
MCBA Star Tribune Foundation Gallery

Since 1985 the Jerome Foundation has helped artists push the boundaries of contemporary book arts by supporting the creation of new book works. Through the MCBA/Jerome Book Arts Fellowships, Minnesota artists of diverse disciplines — including printers, papermakers, binders, painters, sculptors, poets, photographers, essayists and others — have created projects ranging from exquisitely crafted fine press volumes to documented performances to one-of-a-kind installations that “break the bindings” and redefine conventional notions of book form and content. For the eighth round of Book Arts Fellowships, five proposals from six artists were selected by a jury panel in early 2003.

View a sampling of images from this exhibition. Refresh the page for another sampling, or visit MCBA on Flickr to view the full album.


The fellowship recipients include:


Jennifer Amie and Jeffrey F. Morrison: Suitcase Farming: Travels in Three Volumes explores the evolution of the family farm in America through three one-of-a-kind “suitcase books.”


Kari Finkler: A series of letterpress printed chapbooks, Echo Trail, Fledging, Battle Creek and Hello, Beauty each addressing a visual/conceptual association based on the artist’s experiences in nature.

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Laura E. Migliorino: Leaving Santa Lucia explores the story of the artist’s grandparents’ arranged marriage and immigration to the United States from Italy. The book juxtaposes old photos, letters and postcards with Italian and English words that reflect the impact of immigration.


Bill Moran: A fictional nineteenth-century insect guide, Types of Insects examines the graphic aspect of letterforms, depicting hybrid insects derived from letterpress-printed collages of wood and metal type.


Heather O’Hara: Connections between quotes from a 1960s geography textbook and images of recent political events provide the foundation for the Handbook of Practical Geographies, designed to engage readers of all ages and abilities with timely lessons in political and cultural understanding.

The Jerome Foundation, created by artist and philanthropist Jerome Hill (1905-1972), makes grants to support the creation and production of new artistic works by emerging artists, and contributes to the professional advancement of those artists.