Virtual Talk
Thursday, July 23, 7–8pm CDT
Free online event
Register here
Trace the story of how printing and typesetting connected Jewish communities in the 1700s!
Many examples of early modern Hebrew books survive in libraries and collections around the world, but little has been known about the process of their creation. A newly-identified manuscript, which was used in a Jewish printing house in Amsterdam to typeset a Hebrew book in 1739, now provides a rare glimpse into this material world.
Join us for an online conversation with Dr. Noam Sienna—Jewish educator, artist, and newly minted PhD in History and Museum Studies from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Sienna will trace the story of how Jewish printing houses connected communities across Europe, North Africa, and the Ottoman Empire.
Zoom log-in details will be provided upon registration. This lecture is co-presented with the Sabes and St. Paul Jewish Community Centers.