Ignited: Winning Designs and Wonderful Words

Ignited: Winning Designs and Wonderful Words
May 18 – July 8, 2006

Ignited, a competition and exhibition of design bindings created for the Laurel Poetry Collective’s 2006 Anthology, is a celebration of words and artistry. On display were the best entries received, including award winners in five categories: best use of leather, best use of handmade paper, best use of non-traditional materials, best thematic interpretation and overall excellence.

Best Thematic Interpretation: Esther Kibby
Best Use of Handmade Paper: Theresa Harsma
Best Use of Leather: Dennis Ruud
Best Use of Alternative Materials: Lori Brink
Overall Excellence: Jana Pullman

A collection of finely crafted, limited-edition Laurel Poetry Collective broadsides completes the show.

Visit MCBA on Flickr to view the full album.

The Laurel Poetry Collective is a gathering of poets and graphic artists living in the Twin Cities area dedicated to publishing beautiful and affordable books, chapbooks and broadsides.